These Celebrity Couples Prove To Us That True Love Really Exists

Published on 12/14/2023

Maria Bello And Dominique Crenn

In the past, Maria Bello starred in The World Trade Center, The Cooler, and Coyote Ugly. She came out of the closet in 2013. We are glad to report that she is now enjoying life with a French chef called Dominique Crenn, who bagged the World’s Best Female Chef award in 2016. She has a restaurant called Petit Crenn, which is always busy. The couple got engaged in 2019. Crenn proposed to Bello in Paris, which might just be the most romantic thing we can imagine.

Maria Bello And Dominique Crenn

Maria Bello And Dominique Crenn

Aleksandra Bechtel and Alexander Lassen – together for over 14 years

The music channel VIVA made presenter Aleksandra Bechtel famous in the 1990s. The likeable and popular presenter continued with the show “Big Brother” and certainly proved that she has acting talent. She appeared in the soap opera “Unter uns”. Nowadays, the blonde is no longer often seen in public, preferring to devote herself entirely to her family. She has been happily married to her husband Alexander Lassen for over 14 years. It’s easy to understand why she wanted to leave her hectic time in front of the cameras behind for her private life

Képernyőfotó 2023 09 24 10.00.35

Aleksandra Bechtel and Alexander Lassen – together for over 14 years