These Celebrity Couples Prove To Us That True Love Really Exists

Published on 12/14/2023

Anna Planken and Jens Gideon – together for over 10 years

Anna Planken began her career 15 years ago with the program “Lokalzeit aus Bonn”. During her time at WDR, she was able to reach a rather small audience, but when she switched to “ARD Morgenmagazin”, the presenter also became known and popular with a larger audience. She has been happily married to her husband for over ten years and also shares her experience as a presenter, as Jens Gideon works as a sports journalist. The well-known couple have two children together and share not only a happy private life, but also their careers.

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Anna Planken and Jens Gideon – together for over 10 years

Stefan and Nike Raab – together for over 12 years

Few presenters have made it as far as Stefan Raab. He began his career on the music channel VIVA and later enjoyed huge success with the PRO-7 program “TvTotal”. For many years, almost nothing was known about his private life, which he always tried to protect from the media. However, it is now known that he has been happily together with his wife Nike Raab for over twelve years. The couple live in Cologne and still try to keep out of the public eye as much as possible.

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Stefan and Nike Raab – together for over 12 years