Considering purchasing a high-performance plane for your company? If this is the case, you’re in for a treat. The general public will soon be able to purchase some military equipment! If you don’t have a lot of money, don’t do this. If you want to bring any of these items into your home, you’ll need to budget accordingly. Do you have enough room to keep them? This is also important. Because you’ve made it this far, you must be thinking about renting a private plane for yourself. Even if you’re a millionaire, it’s never a bad idea to look around and see what else is out there. As a final point, no one can predict what the future holds. Consider your options and express your thoughts.

The Wealthy Might Want to Buy These Military Aircraft
Lockheed F-104 Starfighter
First flown in the late 1950s, the F-104 Starfighter has been in service ever since. Many militaries around the world have used it since the turn of the century and continue to do so. This plane has been used by Italy, Turkey, Spain, Germany, and the United States, among other countries, throughout its long history. Private buyers can still get their hands on this model even though it has been discontinued. Aeronautical engineer Kelly Johnson played an important role in developing the Starfighter fighter plane. As a result of his work, notable aircraft such as the SR-71 Blackbird fighter and the U-2 espionage plane were built with his input. Political scandal ensued as a result of a deadly weapon that was in use at the time of the incident. In the United States, the FAA says there are ten privately owned planes in operation. Starfighters Inc., based in Toronto, is a civilian demonstration team that performs for the general public. Three of them are former Canadian military personnel who have joined the team. For $25,000 in the United States, a refurbished but engineless machine went on sale in the United Kingdom in 2011.

Lockheed F-104 Starfighter