Curtiss C-46 Commando
Curtiss C-46 Commando aircraft are still in service in remote parts of the world, demonstrating the aircraft’s durability. During World War II, this plane was used as a military transport plane, and it saw a lot of action in the 1940s. It was also one of the first military aircraft to have pressurized cabins, marking an important milestone in aviation history. This aircraft served alongside the Boeing Stratoliner and Douglas DC-4 throughout their respective service lives. Although the incident resulted in the loss of a large number of paratroopers, a paratroop drop plane was also involved. As a result of their actions, they were relieved of their responsibilities. Many troops were hesitant to serve in the C-46 because of its tainted military history. It is, however, a historically significant airplane that will set you back $250,000.

Curtiss C-46 Commando
Grumman G-21 Goose
Right here is another plane with a large number of firsts. It was also the world’s first commercial airliner and single-wing aircraft, in addition to being the world’s first twin-engine aircraft. The G-21 Goose, also known as the “Grumman Goose,” was built by Grumman. What an incredible feat of engineering! Due to its ability to be used on both land and water surfaces, it has seen a wide range of applications over the decades it has been in use. The aircraft’s ability to withstand such a long period of time is a testament to the engineering and design expertise of its creators and engineers. This type of aircraft was dubbed a “air yacht” by affluent merchants in New York who required regular passage between Long Island and Manhattan. As a result, the plane has served as an airliner, a military transport aircraft, and an aerial utility vehicle.

Grumman G-21 Goose