Lennon’s hallmark lyrics in “Imagine’ were described as “22 lines of graceful, plain-spoken faith in the power of a world, united in purpose, to repair and change itself.” However, the feel-good sentiments behind the song Jimmy Carter once said was “used almost equally with national anthems” have some serious Communist underpinnings. Lennon once referred to the song as “virtually the Communist manifesto,” and at the time that the song became a hit, went on record saying, “Because it’s sugarcoated it’s accepted. Now I understand what you have to do—put your message across with a little honey.”

Like A Virgin
In the opening scene in Reservoir Dogs, both Mr. Brown (who thinks “Like a Virgin” is “a metaphor for large d**ks”) and Mr. Blonde (“It’s about a female who is very vulnerable”) misread Madonna’s smash hit. Despite the fact that Madonna famously settled the imaginary dispute by autographing a CD for Quentin Tarantino: “Quentin, it’s about love, not d**k” , the controversy continues.

Like A Virgin