Nadya Suleman, a California woman dubbed “Octomom,” made headlines in 2009 when she became pregnant and gave birth to eight children in one pregnancy! Throughout Nadya Suleman’s pregnancy, she and her doctor made some difficult decisions and took some risks, which made them controversial and drew a lot of criticism. People still showed them love and support in spite of this. However, it appears that the size of her family has piqued American curiosity. See how Octomom Nadya Suleman and her large family came to be, and what they’re up to now, in this in-depth look at their lives.

Do You Recall The Story Of The ‘Octomom?’ Get A Glimpse Of Their Family Life
A Big Family
Since she was raised as an only child, Nadya Suleman has always craved a large family of her own. A family was Nadya’s greatest desire, and she was determined to make it happen. The desire to have a large, happy family had never occurred to her that it would put her in a position where she would have to make life-altering choices as a result. Her unwavering determination to achieve her goal, which the world witnessed, resulted in a miracle.

A Big Family