Her Growing Fame
This unusual pregnancies had already made Nadya an international media sensation before they were even born, with news outlets and publications all reporting on her unusual situation. The public began to recognize her, and soon she was known as Octomom even by those who had no idea of her real name. Her family was in dire need of money, and Nadya was considering how she could take advantage of the publicity to make ends meet while also maintaining control over the story. After the birth of her octuplets, she hired a team to handle her public relations so that she could control the story that the public heard, but this proved to be a difficult task.

Her Growing Fame
A Pubic Persona
Since she gave birth to eight children, Nadya has faced a barrage of criticism from those who accuse her of seeking attention and even claim that this was the main reason she wanted to have so many children, regardless of the risks. During this time, Nadya was preoccupied with adjusting to her new public persona while simultaneously raising fourteen children. She realized that dealing with her fame became increasingly difficult over time. Nadya was threatened and accused by Californians of wasting taxpayer money and encapsulating virtually everything that is wrong with modern America!

A Public Persona