Problems At Home
Nadya was accused of child abuse while she was in the public eye. It made sense because taking care of 14 children as a single mother must be extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive. Child Protective Services were involved in the investigation. Inquiring minds wanted to know if Nadya was ignoring her children. The investigation found no evidence of neglect and concluded that the allegations against her were unfounded, even going so far as to say that her home was suitable for children.

Problems At Home
Forced to Move Out
Unfortunately, despite the claims of Child Protective Services, someone with actual authority over Nadya’s life disagreed that her home was suitable for her children. Nadya’s landlord was not amused by the idea and informed her that she had violated the terms of her lease. Before evicting Nadya and her 14 children, he made a public statement about their plight. Because they were on the verge of losing their home, Nadya didn’t have much choice but to act quickly.

Forced to Move Out