Most of the time, you aren’t even aware that you are snoring. Only others in your immediate vicinity are aware of it. The medical word for it is sleep apnea. It’s a common occurrence nowadays. The heart beats for a brief moment before returning to normal. Because those who are affected do not notice anything, it is critical to remain cautious and visit the doctor once too often rather than too infrequently. Cardiac disease can be treated if detected early.

Pain In The Upper Body And Arms
When there is a pain in the upper torso and arms, the first thought is usually that there is tension. It can, however, be a symptom of a heart attack. The agony of a heart attack does not start at a set time. The pain normally radiates to the left, although it can sometimes radiate to the right arm, depending on the affected location. You may experience discomfort in your mouth or back on a regular basis. Women have a harder time recognizing the indicators of a heart attack than males.

Pain In The Upper Body And Arms