Welcome to This World, Elijah!
Not everyone thinks it’s a bad idea to have multiple babies while pregnant, especially if you want to have twins or triplets. This operation was an incredible success, even though Nadya had given up hope of conceiving more than one child. Nadya gave birth to her first child, a beautiful baby boy named Elijah, in 2001, making it a huge success. After all her hard work, Nadya had finally achieved her goal, but she wasn’t done yet.

Welcome to This World, Elijah!
Babies, Babies, And More Babies!
A year after giving birth to Elijah, Nadya had another IVF baby, a daughter named Amerah. With two children, Nadya’s desire for more children is not satisfied, as it is for most other people. As a result of her positive IVF experience, she became more eager to have more children and to explore other treatment options. Later, she gave birth to fraternal twins and had twins again. Her family grew to a whopping six! In countries like the United States, six children is more than enough, but Nadya felt compelled to have even more after the birth of her sixth child.

Babies, Babies, And More Babies!