Garlic has grown in popularity due to tales that it repels vampires, but few people are aware of its heart-healthy benefits. It has long been used to enhance the flavor of numerous dishes, and studies have shown that it can also help to maintain heart health. Garlic can help with a variety of things, including lowering blood pressure, preventing blood vessel constriction, and reducing plaque formation in arteries. Garlic can be taken as a tablet if you don’t like the taste.

Red Wine
You can now exhale a sigh of relief because you don’t have to fully eliminate alcohol from your diet. Moderate red wine consumption is beneficial to your heart’s health. Adding wine to your dinner or drinking a glass of it can make blood vessels more flexible, preventing blood clots from forming. Apart from that, red wine can enhance HDL levels and lessen the risk of coronary heart disease. Who are we to dispute with medical specialists who advise this?

Red Wine